From irreconcilable personal differences to difficult financial issues, U.S. couples divorce for many reasons. The American Psychological Association reports that 40 to 50% of American marriages ultimately end. Over the past decade, more and more divorcing couples...
3 ways a spouse may hide assets inside a business venture
If you are going through a divorce, you may have some anxiety about your financial future. After all, not only must you adjust to a new way of life, but you may also need to figure out how to live on one source of income. Fortunately, California law ensures you...
Hiding assets during divorce is a big mistake
Even though you may have thought you would stay married to your spouse forever, not all marriages are sustainable. If you have decided to divorce your spouse, you likely want to focus on your financial future. Fortunately, if you and your partner have significant...
Dividing retirement plans for divorcing couples 50 and older
When California couples divorce in their 20s and 30s, both partners still have significant earning potential. Primary assets typically include a house and cars, while spousal and child support are points of contention. However, when mature couples divorce, the...
What you need to know about child support in California
Going through a divorce with young children can be a difficult time for everyone involved. This is especially true if you and your spouse are unable to get along to the point that you would rather have the court involved to ensure a fair child support and custody...
4 signs of hidden assets during a divorce case
A divorce can be messy even if your spouse is open and honest with you about his or her assets. Unfortunately, many people in California try to conceal their assets during a divorce to avoid having to divide everything with an ex. California is one of the few...